UK's first party in a Box

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A tester that turned into a new job!

When Sarah Indranie was asked by a friend to trial a party box for a friend’s new business, she jumped at the chance. Being a working mum and with very little time to organise family affairs, the thought of a box arriving on her doorstep that contained everything was such a relief.

“I’m like most other mums, I want to be the best …. and to make my child really happy whilst creating lasting memories that we can all reminisce over for years to come. It’s so hard to get everything right all of the time. Spreading your time between family and work makes you feel like the glue on an envelope – spread thinly and sometimes not effective!

When the Dizzy Rhino box was delivered I was so excited that I opened it immediately. After spending a few minutes peeking inside the boxes, I closed it and put it in the garage for a week. The relief of a big job done was immense!”

“The party was amazing, from the quality of the products, to the ease and enjoyment…
.. What really impressed me was the high-end party bag that the children took home. They had made Funky Foot Scrub, housed in a Kilner jar, Muffins – taken home in a cake box and Super Suds Soaps that smelt divine and were wrapped in cellulose bags – all their own awesome creations that looked so professional, as if from a shop shelf!

“I told Laura how totally amazing I thought Dizzy Rhino was. I also said that if she ever wanted help growing it, I’d be there in a flash! The uniqueness of it and the convenience captured me, not to mention it’s scalability and potential diversity”

Six months later, Laura was torn between developing a new product line in her existing business or growing Dizzy Rhino. She couldn’t manage both with a young family and she didn’t have a ‘dragon’ by her side to invest heavily in either brand. She phoned Sarah and within a few months they had transferred the business! 

“I was ecstatic and nervous in equal measure! Laura’s creativity is beyond measure and it takes a huge amount of effort and time to grow any business. The beginning part is hard, but so is marketing it once designed – both can be gruelling in fact and it takes a certain degree of discipline to spearhead the many time consuming areas that need attention”

STEAM is intrinsically, magically and invisibly woven into each kit.

“I grew up with Lego and Meccano and games that require a little effort, time, discipline and if played in a group, collaboration too. The Dizzy Rhino kits allow for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths. You wouldn’t necessarily know it unless you are attuned to looking, but just like mental health, mindfulness and nutrition are growing topics of the digital age – so is STEAM.

There are more women engineers, politicians and scientists, albeit a small proportion in comparison, and more male nanny’s, nurses and PA’s. We need this mix to allow for cross-gender growth and we need the future generation to retrospectively understand the importance of this early play, alongside their inevitable digital platforms.

What makes Dizzy Rhino unique?

“The birthday boxes! Everything you need to hold a fun creative and memorable birthday party for 6 or more children, all measured, with reusable and or recyclable products, biodegradable packaging and no need to shop around. Easy Peasy!”