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Nothing says luxury like gold, and using gold leaf as a food garnish is the ultimate in opulence. The pure 23 carat garnish has been adding a spectacular touch of bling to food since the time of the ancient Egyptians, who saw gold as a sacred food.

But edible gold is definitely nourishment for the eyes only. It is completely odourless, has no taste or smell and virtually no texture. Most importantly, this non-toxic metal has no ill effects and is perfectly safe to ingest. It’s the perfect garnish for Dizzy Rhino’s wonderfully luxurious non-alcoholic Shampagne Mocktail.

The 23ct edible gold leaf in the cocktail kit has been manufactured with great care, using pure raw materials to comply with vigorous health standards.  As a food additive it carries the classification food colouring E175.

These days we see gold leaf as a glitzy addition to anything from a cappuccino to a very limited edition Kit-Kat or a celebratory cake topping. The ultimate extravagance must be topping caviar with gold.

Apparently it works less well as a coating for chicken. Most food critics seem to think seasoned breadcrumbs are better! But ancient cultures believed gold was a very beneficial food supplement.

The earliest medical use of gold can be traced back to the Chinese in 4500 years ago.In ancient Chinese medical journals, gold in the form of powder and pills are recorded to be effective in treating mental disorders, epilepsy, palpitation of the heart and boils.  In some rural areas of China today, villagers put a gold coin in their rice cooking pot to replenish gold levels.

In medieval Europe alchemists made an elixir, aurum potabile, containing gold to ‘comfort sore limbs’. Today it is used, in combination with other compounds, in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

In renaissance Venice, the double function of gold as medicine and as a symbol of riches was combined in the custom of serving gold-covered sugared almonds after the meal in order to strengthen the heart and protect against rheumatism

A gold cordial was recommended by the 17th century herbalist, Nicholas Culpepper, to treat ‘ailments caused by a decrease in the vital spirits, such as melancholy, fainting, fevers and falling sickness.’

Dizzy Rhino’s 23 carat gold Shampagne Mocktail will certainly help the vital party spirit.