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Nutri-Truffle Kit


Nutri-Bomb. A classic themed sweet and healthy treat.

This kit gives you the basic ingredients to make 2 boxes of 8 delicious and nutritious truffles. They make an amazing gift or enjoy them yourself as an excellent alternative to chocolate and sweets. There is no baking involved.

Creates 16 truffles.

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rolled oats
ground linseed
chopped dates
Chia seeds, cocoa powder and desiccated coconut for coating
truffle boxes

Catherine is a Registered Nutritionist (RNutr) specialising in children’s nutrition.
She has over 10 years’ experience as a Registered Nutritionist and has worked in both the private and public sectors including the NHS and Public Health England.

After having two young boys of her own Catherine now works as a freelance consultant paediatric nutritionist offering families, individual’s, early years settings and schools practical, tailored advice on many aspects of nutrition including:

• Weaning workshops and one-2-one consultations
• Fussy eating advice
• Optimum nutrition for pregnancy and breastfeeding
• Healthy eating for the whole family
• Training and menu planning service for nurseries and childcare settings


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